مؤسسة الحلول المحاسبية والمالية والتقنية - أفتى

| Company

Saudi Arabia - Riyadh Member 1 month ago

Experience Years



  • Completed Orders


Verified By AFTA


نعمل من أجل بناء مجتمع مهني متخصص يكون محطة ثقة لجميع رواد الاعمال واصحاب الاعمال االباحثين عن الخدمات المحاسبية والمالية والتقنية حيث النخبة بابتكار


Zakat / Income Tax
Review and Submission of Zakat / Tax Returns
Zakat/tax objections
Answering inquiries from the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority
Zakat and tax consultations
Value Added Tax
Submitting tax objections
Answering inquiries from the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority
Managing the tax audit process
Preparation and Submission of Tax Returns
Preparation of Tax Statements
Zakat and Tax Consultations
Answering the Inquiries of the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority
Internal audit
External review
Review the financial statements
Special reports
Internal Policies Creation Service
Estimation Accounting
Preparing financial statements
Translation of accounting books
Make recommendations
Preparing the tax return
Preparation of Accounting Entries
Preparation of Monthly Financial Reports
Training and Employment Services
External recruitment
Full employment
Partial employment
Tax returns
Accounting systems
Accounting Systems
Electronic Invoice


خبرة أكثر من 16 عام في مجال المحاسبة والضرائب

مؤسسة الحلول المحاسبية والمالية والتقنية - أفتى

2021-10-20 Untill now 2 Years